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Sweatbox Training Health Delaration


You are primarily responsible for your own health and wellbeing. By entering into a Membership Contract with, or purchasing a Day Pass from, Sweatbox Training, you hereby confirm that:


you are in good health, capable of exercise and that exercising will not harm your health;

you will inform us immediately your health deteriorates or you become injured and you are unable to safely use our facilities;

your doctor has never diagnosed you with a heart condition;

you are not currently on medication for a heart condition or a blood pressure related condition;

you do not have high blood cholesterol;

you have never sought approval from your doctor to exercise in a gym or swimming pool;

you will seek advice from your doctor, before you use our facilities, if you have any concerns over your health or if you should exercise; and

the information you have given to us is correct and will be used by us in determining whether you can safely use our facilities.

If you are unable to give any of the above confirmations, please see one of our Receptionists when you first visit the Club to discuss your circumstances.


There are many different types of disability that can affect the way you may use these facilities. If you consider yourself to have a disability or any special needs please bring this to our attention so a risk assessment can be undertaken and appropriate measures put in place.


Sweatbox Training will give you the following commitments:


we will keep any health or medical information, that you have given us, confidential and in accordance with our Privacy Policy;

our Fitness Team will hold relevant fitness qualifications;

whilst we will respect your decision over your training regime, we reserve the right to ask you not to exercise beyond what we reasonably believe to be your personal ability;

inductions can be booked by asking the gym staff if you would like to know how to use our fitness equipment and technology; and

if you are a wheelchair user or require assistance to use our facilities, we will complete a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) with you, so that we can help you in the event of an emergency within our Clubs. If your circumstances change please keep us informed and updated so we can ensure the PEEP is kept up to date.

This health declaration and the above commitments will become binding between us when you check the box.


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